Yes, we know summer is long gone, but that doesn’t mean you can’t prepare now for the next sunny season. In fact, if you’re considering having male breast surgery, winter is one of the best times to get it.
Having gynecomastia surgery now can give you enough time to heal so that you can enjoy your more masculine figure while at the beach, pool or out and about enjoying the hotter weather.
If you have enlarged male breasts or have been diagnosed with gynecomastia, male breast reduction can offer several benefits that could help you feel more comfortable come summertime.
Boost Confidence
Nothing hampers your summer fun more than feeling uncomfortable in your skin. When it’s hot out, you want to wear lighter clothing to stay cool. However, many men with enlarged breasts and/or nipples do not feel confident taking off their shirts or wearing less and may actually avoid activities they otherwise love.
Gynecomastia surgery can reshape the chest area so that you have a more masculine figure and are less concerned about your breasts’ size.
Improved Comfort
Having larger breasts can make physical activity uncomfortable. Gynecomastia can make jumping, running and other higher impact activities more difficult and cause unnecessary worry about how you look doing them.
After male breast reduction, many men report feeling more comfortable engaging in physical activity again. Activities with less discomfort may help motivate you to be more active.
Summer is supposed to be about getting out and enjoying the nice weather while we have it. Don’t let gynecomastia keep you from living.
To learn more about the benefits of male breast reduction, contact us online or call our Austin office today at 512-229-1978.